2nd & 3rd Grade Camp
This camp is a 3 day 2 night camp. During their stay, students will enjoy a well-planned program that will get them excited to learn more about Scripture in a fun and energetic atmosphere. Students will also have numerous opportunities for recreation and games, including swimming time!
June 15th - 17th
Check-in: Sunday, June 15th @ 3pm
Check-out: Tuesday, June 17th @ 4pm
Dean's Bio: Jessica Prieto
Hello! My name is Jessica Prieto, and I have the privilege of serving as the children's minister at Duplain Church of Christ in St. Johns, Michigan. I am passionate about working with children, answering their curious questions, and bringing the Bible to life in meaningful and engaging ways. I believe children's ministry plays a vital role in building a strong biblical foundation for the next generation, and I feel truly blessed to be part of that journey. I attended Rock Lake camp every summer growing up, and have been working as faculty for the past five years. I am eagerly looking forward to this summer and the opportunity to connect with the kids during these exciting days at camp!