3rd & 4th Grade Wilderness
July 27th - August 1st
Are you ready for a different church camp experience? Do you like the outdoors - a lot? Would you like to sleep in a tent - prepare and cook some of your meals (pie irons, aluminum foil meals) - explore the Bible and God’s creation? We also have swim time, activities, crafts, camp fires, and so much more!
Our Wilderness Campsite is located southeast of the lodges and pine trees, between the fire lane and the water. The tents are elevated off the ground, on platforms. These camps are limited in numbers.
There will be porta-johns onsite and showers available. Perishable food will be picked up each day from the kitchen by the ‘camp cook’ for the week. Camp medical personal will be available for handling and dispensing medications as well as attending to minor injuries and illnesses.
Sign up early for a great wilderness experience at Rock Lake Christian Assembly!
Dean's Bio: Jessica Luccessi
Jessica is a member of First Church of Christ of Mount Pleasant and a current RLCA Trustee. She has been faculty for various RLCA sessions for over 10 years, mostly doing wilderness camps and offsite trips. Before that, Jessica was a camper for many years. She loves sharing God’s love to students through the RLCA experience. Jessica lives with her husband, Eli, and their son, Liam, in St. Louis, Michigan.
Check-in: Sunday, July 27th @ 3pm
Check-out: Friday, August 1st @ 4pm