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 week 2
August 21st - 23rd

Empowerment Camp

(formerly Handi-camp)

week 1
June 5th - 7th

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Formally known as "Handi-Camp". This is one of the most impactful events that we offer here at Rock Lake. Students are paired with a buddy for the entire weekend. Together they do a variety of activities that include, singing, archery, gun range, boating, swimming, crafts, and so much more. This is a great opportunity for these campers to experience God's love. This camp is open to students of ALL AGES.

Check-in: Thursday, June 5th   @ 7pm

Check-out: Saturday, June 7th @ 2pm

Check-in: Thursday, August 21st  @ 7pm

Check-out: Saturday, August 23rd  @ 2pm

Deans' Bio: Chuck and Marcie Marckel

In the summer of 2004, Chuck Marckel and Marcie Bray (now Marckel) partnered with Henry Hawver to provide the first ever Special Needs Camp session at Rock Lake. The intent was to create an environment of camp exclusively for a segment of society that sometimes gets overlooked. Chuck had been serving other camps with the program and thought it would be a great addition to the Rock Lake schedule. 


Both Chuck and Marcie are graduates of Great Lakes Christian College with a heart for people and ministry, especially the marginalized in society. From 2004 until 2011, they saw the program blossom. In 2012, Chuck was offered a preaching ministry in a suburb of Detroit and Marcie was expecting their first child so it was time to pass the baton on to other capable hands. 

Now with two children, Isaac and Phoebe, they are back serving as dean for both of our Empowerment Camp sessions.

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Our Address

7389 Vestaburg Rd.

Vestaburg, MI 48891

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TEL: 989-268-5377


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