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Gifts that Stand the test of time
Would you like to give a gift that stands the test of time? Your gift "in Memory of" or "in Honor of" a friend or family member can do just that as a part of the Rock Lake Legacy Fund.
Perhaps you have thought of leaving a portion of your estate to the ministry at Rock Lake. A significant amount of these bequests are also placed into the principal of the Legacy Fund.
By gifting today, you assure that for years to come students across the state will continue to benefit from the fruits of your generosity.
An Endowment Fund
The Legacy Fund is an endowment fund. Principal contributions shall remain intact with the interest being used substantially to subsidize the cost of and / or scholarship student attendance at Rock Lake Christian Assembly for those lacking financial means.
Designated Gifts
The Board of Trustees has further resolved that 100% of gifts given "In Memoriam" or as an "Honorarium" will be allocated to the Legacy Fund. In addition, the board has established a policy that requires a minimum of 40% of any gift received by bequest to be allocated to the Legacy Fund with provision for up to 100% to be designated to the fund as determined by a majority decision of the Board of Trustees.

To donate online, click button above and choose Legacy Fund from the dropdown menu. If the gift is in memory/honor of someone, please indicate their name on the note line.
You may also mail a check to RLCA, 7389 E Vestaburg Rd, Vestaburg, MI 48891. Please indicate on the memo line that the gift is for the Legacy Fund and, if applicable, include in memory/honor of whom.
For more information, contact the office at 989-268-5377 or Director Tim St. Louis at
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