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Jr & Sr High River Trip
August  4th  - August 9th

Students will spend the session traversing the Au Sable river. This is a fun week where students will be challenged physically as they work down the river. This camp has limited spots so register now.

Check-in: Sunday, August    4th  @ 3pm

Check-out: Friday, August    9th @ 4pm

Deans' Bio: Trenton Saltsman

Trenton & Ashley Saltsman were married in November of 2015. They have since been blessed with four beautiful children, Lucy, Parker, William, and Carter. Trenton and Ashley live in St. Johns and attend the Duplain Church of Christ. While Trenton grew up attending Rock Lake as a  student, he has had the opportunity to come back and work several weeks as faculty and has served in the capacity of dean for this offsite trip for the past several years. 


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7389 Vestaburg Rd.

Vestaburg, MI 48891

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